Aarakocra | [gr,ca,go] |
Aberrant Dragonmark | [ro,ar,dr] |
Aberrant Mind | [ps,oc,ro] |
Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting | [ev,el,ca] |
Absorb Elements | [ro,el,la] |
Acid Splash | [el,ro,ne] |
Acolyte | [div,det,la] |
Actor | [em,pe,dec] |
Aganazzar's Scorcher | [el,ch,ar] |
Agonizing Blast | [ac,oc,det] |
Aid | [go,pe,ro] |
Air Genasi | [el,qu,re] |
Alarm | [vi,ne,ps] |
Alchemist | [go,el,na] |
Alchemy Jug | [com,ch,cu] |
Alert | [vi,qu,ac] |
Alter Self | [dec,ar,la] |
Ambush | [dis,vi,qu] |
Amulet of Health | [det,ro,con] |
Animal Friendship | [na,go,pe] |
Animal Messenger | [na,ne,pe] |
Animal Shapes | [ch,ro,na] |
Animate Dead | [ev,oc,det] |
Animate Objects | [la,cu,em] |
Anthropologist | [vi,cu,pe] |
Antilife Shell | [det,oc,na] |
Antimagic Field | [ne,ca,ar] |
Antipathy/Sympathy | [ne,em,pe] |
Arcana Domain | [ar,cu,en] |
Arcane Archer | [ar,ac,vi] |
Arcane Eye | [vi,ar,cu] |
Arcane Gate | [ch,qu,ar] |
Arcane Lock | [cu,ar,la] |
Arcane Propulsion Armor | [ro,la,con] |
Arcane Shot: Banishing Arrow | [la,ar,det] |
Arcane Shot: Beguiling Arrow | [pe,ac,ar] |
Arcane Shot: Bursting Arrow | [ro,el,ac] |
Arcane Shot: Enfeebling Arrow | [ev,det,ca] |
Arcane Shot: Grasping Arrow | [em,ro,qu] |
Arcane Shot: Piercing Arrow | [ar,det,dis] |
Arcane Shot: Seeking Arrow | [vi,det,la] |
Arcane Shot: Shadow Arrow | [dec,det,vi] |
Arcane Trickster | [ar,dec,cu] |
Archaeologist | [la,cu,det] |
Archery | [ac,vi,ca] |
Armor of Agathys | [ro,oc,det] |
Armor of Magical Strength | [ro,la,con] |
Armor of Shadows | [oc,dis,ro] |
Armorer | [dis,ro,qu] |
Arms of Hadar | [oc,ev,ro] |
Artificer | [cu,con,la] |
Artificer Initiate | [gr,com,con] |
Artillerist | [ac,ch,el] |
Ascendant Step | [det,ps,gr] |
Ashardalon's Stride | [ch,qu,el] |
Aspect of the Beast: Bear | [ro,na,det] |
Aspect of the Beast: Eagle | [vi,qu,cu] |
Aspect of the Beast: Elk | [na,qu,com] |
Aspect of the Beast: Tiger | [gr,qu,ro] |
Aspect of the Beast: Wolf | [vi,ro,dis] |
Aspect of the Moon | [vi,na,det] |
Assassin | [ac,ev,dec] |
Astral Projection | [la,dis,gr] |
Athlete | [qu,ro,gr] |
Athlete | [ro,gr,qu] |
Augury | [det,vi,div] |
Aura of Life | [go,det,ca] |
Aura of Purity | [la,gr,det] |
Aura of Purity | [la,gr,det] |
Aura of Vitality | [go,ca,det] |
Awaken | [go,em,na] |
Bag of Holding | [ar,ro,dis] |
Bait and Switch | [qu,gr,dec] |
Bane | [ev,det,em] |
Banishing Smite | [la,ro,div] |
Banishment | [la,div,ar] |
Banneret | [pe,re,la] |
Barbarian | [ro,em,com] |
Bard | [pe,gr,em] |
Barkskin | [ro,na,ne] |
Battle Master | [vi,cu,gr] |
Battle Smith | [ro,gr,det] |
Battleaxe | [com,qu,ro] |
Beacon of Hope | [det,pe,div] |
Beast Bond | [la,na,vi] |
Beast Master Conclave | [pe,qu,ro] |
Beast Sense | [na,la,vi] |
Beast Speech | [fe,na,det] |
Beasthide Shifter | [ro,vi,ne] |
Beguiling Influence | [det,dec,pe] |
Belt of Gaint Strength | [ro,div,na] |
Bestow Curse | [ev,det,em] |
Bewitching Whispers | [oc,pe,ne] |
Bigby's Hand | [ac,det,ps] |
Blade Barrier | [ev,gr,div] |
Blade of Disaster | [ch,ac,ar] |
Blade Ward | [ne,ca,ar] |
Bless | [go,div,gr] |
Blessed Warrior | [div,la,det] |
Blight | [ev,ne,oc] |
Blind Fighting | [vi,gr,ro] |
Blinding Smite | [la,dec,ro] |
Blindness/Deafness | [ev,dec,ar] |
Blink | [ch,ar,dec] |
Bloodline of Asmodeus Tiefling | [el,ev,em] |
Bloodline of Baalzebul Tiefling | [cu,ch,pe] |
Bloodline of Dispater Tiefling | [dis,dec,ps] |
Bloodline of Fierna Tiefling | [pe,oc,div] |
Bloodline of Glasya Tiefling | [dec,qu,em] |
Bloodline of Livistus Tiefling | [ca,ro,el] |
Bloodline of Mammon Tiefling | [cu,ar,ne] |
Bloodline of Mephistopheles Tiefling | [el,ch,ar] |
Bloodline of Zarial Tiefling | [ro,det,div] |
Blowgun | [ac,dec,gr] |
Blur | [ch,ps,dec] |
Bond of the Talisman | [go,qu,oc] |
Bones of the Earth | [ne,el,na] |
Book of Ancient Secrets | [cu,oc,ne] |
Booming Blade | [el,ch,ar] |
Boots of Elvenkind | [dis,fe,qu] |
Boots of Levitation | [gr,ar,la] |
Boots of Speed | [ch,qu,con] |
Boots of Striding and Springing | [gr,qu,ne] |
Boots of the Winding Path | [cu,qu,con] |
Boots of the Winterlands | [ca,el,det] |
Bountiful Luck | [ar,na,div] |
Brace | [vi,ro,det] |
Bracers of Archery | [vi,ac,ca] |
Bracers of Defense | [go,det,com] |
Branding Smite | [la,vi,ro] |
Breath of Winter | [el,ca,gr] |
Brooch of Shielding | [det,ro,ar] |
Burning Hands | [ch,el,gr] |
Call Lightning | [qu,el,ne] |
Calm Emotions | [ca,pe,go] |
Cap of Water Breathing | [ca,el,det] |
Careful Spell | [gr,det,ar] |
Catapult | [ps,ch,det] |
Catnap | [gr,oc,em] |
Cause Fear | [ev,dis,ps] |
Cavalier | [re,go,la] |
Ceremony | [la,em,det] |
Chain Lightning | [ar,el,qu] |
Chains of Carceri | [la,det,oc] |
Champion | [em,ne,com] |
Changeling | [dec,pe,dis] |
Chaos Bolt | [ch,ac,ar] |
Charger | [vi,qu,ro] |
Charlatan | [dec,dis,pe] |
Charm Monster | [ps,pe,em] |
Charm Person | [ne,em,pe] |
Chef | [em,com,gr] |
Chill Touch | [ev,oc,ac] |
Chromatic Orb | [ch,el,ar] |
Circle of Death | [ev,oc,gr] |
Circle of Dreams | [fe,em,oc] |
Circle of Power | [la,div,gr] |
Circle of Spores | [ev,oc,ro] |
Circle of Stars | [en,div,la] |
Circle of the Land | [en,el,ca] |
Circle of the Moon | [ro,em,qu] |
Circle of the Shepherd | [oc,pe,ca] |
Circle of Wildfire | [el,ch,det] |
Circle Spells: Arctic | [ca,el,det] |
Circle Spells: Coast | [vi,ca,el] |
Circle Spells: Desert | [ne,el,dec] |
Circle Spells: Forest | [em,na,ne] |
Circle Spells: Grassland | [vi,qu,ne] |
Circle Spells: Mountain | [el,ne,en] |
Circle Spells: Swamp | [ev,na,vi] |
Circle Spells: Underdark | [dis,ne,ca] |
City Watch | [vi,qu,ro] |
Clairvoyance | [div,vi,ps] |
Clan Crafter | [gr,com,con] |
Clench of the North Wind | [qu,el,en] |
Cleric | [la,det,div] |
Cloak of Elvenkind | [dis,ca,fe] |
Cloak of Flies | [na,ev,oc] |
Cloak of Protection | [det,ro,ca] |
Cloak of the Bat | [cu,dis,qu] |
Cloak of the Manta Ray | [ca,el,gr] |
Clockwork Soul | [la,con] |
Cloistered Scholar | [cu,det,en] |
Clone | [ev,cu,oc] |
Cloud of Daggers | [det,ro,gr] |
Cloud Rune | [qu,dec,el] |
Cloudkill | [ev,det,em] |
Club | [ro,ch,na] |
College of Creation | [go,dr,ch] |
College of Eloquence | [cu,ps,re] |
College of Glamour | [fe,la,re] |
College of Lore | [cu,ar,en] |
College of Spirits | [oc,ne,cu] |
College of Swords | [qu,la,ro] |
College of Valor | [go,ro,det] |
College of Whispers | [ev,ps,dec] |
Color Spray | [em,ps,dec] |
Colossus Slayer | [ac,vi,na] |
Command | [la,div,pe] |
Commander's Strike | [pe,cu,gr] |
Commanding Presence | [pe,re,cu] |
Commune | [la,div,vi] |
Commune with Nature | [ne,vi,na] |
Compelled Duel | [la,det,pe] |
Comprehend Languages | [cu,ps,ne] |
Compulsion | [la,pe,em] |
Cone of Cold | [gr,ca,el] |
Confusion | [ch,em,det] |
Conjure Animals | [ne,na,pe] |
Conjure Barrage | [ch,ac,gr] |
Conjure Celestial | [la,div,pe] |
Conjure Elemental | [ne,el,ar] |
Conjure Fey | [dec,det,na] |
Conjure Minor Elementals | [na,el,det] |
Conjure Volley | [ch,vi,ac] |
Conjure Woodland Beings | [pe,na,vi] |
Contact Other Plane | [cu,ar,oc] |
Contagion | [ev,ne,div] |
Contingency | [la,cu,ar] |
Continual Flame | [la,em,el] |
Control Flames | [ch,el,gr] |
Control Water | [la,ca,el] |
Control Weather | [ne,el,na] |
Control Winds | [det,qu,el] |
Cordon of Arrows | [ca,ac,vi] |
Counterspell | [det,qu,ar] |
Courtier | [pe,gr,re] |
Create Bonfire | [el,ch,det] |
Create Food and Water | [go,em,div] |
Create Homunculus | [la,em,ar] |
Create Magen | [ev,oc,cu] |
Create or Destroy Water | [el,ca,em] |
Create Undead | [ev,dis,oc] |
Creation | [el,em,cu] |
Criminal | [dis,dec,qu] |
Crossbow Expert | [ac,ca,ac] |
Crown of Madness | [ch,em,ps] |
Crown of Stars | [div,em,ar] |
Crusader's Mantle | [la,div,em] |
Crusher | [ro,ro,em] |
Cure Wounds | [go,div,ca] |
Dagger | [qu,ar,gr] |
Dancing Lights | [ar,ch,em] |
Danse Macabre | [ev,oc,la] |
Dark Elf | [dis,gr,pe] |
Dark Star | [ev,dis,det] |
Darkness | [dis,oc,ev] |
Darkvision | [vi,dis,ne] |
Dart | [qu,ac,dis] |
Dawn | [go,em,det] |
Daylight | [go,em,div] |
Death Domain | [ev,oc,ca] |
Death Ward | [go,ro,div] |
Defense | [ro,det,ca] |
Defensive Duelist | [gr,qu,gr] |
Delayed Blast Fireball | [ch,cu,el] |
Demiplane | [em,ar,la] |
Destructive Wave | [ev,el,div] |
Detect Good and Evil | [la,vi,div] |
Detect Magic | [ne,vi,ar] |
Detect Poison and Disease | [vi,la,na] |
Detect Thoughts | [ps,vi,cu] |
Devil's Sight | [oc,vi,dis] |
Dhampir | [ev,oc,pe] |
Dimension Door | [ch,qu,ar] |
Dimensional Shackles | [ar,la,re] |
Disarming Attack | [gr,ro,qu] |
Disguise Self | [ne,dec,dis] |
Disintegrate | [ch,em,ar] |
Dispel Evil and Good | [ne,div,ro] |
Dispel Magic | [ne,ca,cu] |
Dissonant Whispers | [ev,em,ps] |
Distant Spell | [vi,ar,det] |
Distracting Strike | [cu,dec,ro] |
Divination | [ne,cu,div] |
Divine Favor | [div,go,ro] |
Divine Soul | [div,en,la] |
Divine Word | [la,em,div] |
Dominate Beast | [pe,na,det] |
Dominate Monster | [ev,pe,ps] |
Dominate Person | [ps,pe,la] |
Draconblood Dragonborn | [ar,cu,dr] |
Draconic Bloodline | [el,dr,ro] |
Draconic Transformation | [ch,el,dr] |
Dragon Breath | [ch,el,dr] |
Dragon Fear | [dr,ps,ev] |
Dragon Hide | [ro,dr,qu] |
Drakewarden | [dr,pe,el] |
Drawmij's Instant Summons | [qu,dis,ar] |
Dreadful Word | [ch,ps,oc] |
Dream | [ne,oc,em] |
Dream of the Blue Veil | [em,oc,ps] |
Drow High Magic | [cu,ar,em] |
Druid | [na,vi,ne] |
Druid Grove | [dis,ca,na] |
Druidcraft | [na,ne,em] |
Druidic Warrior | [na,ne,det] |
Duel Wielder | [gr,qu,ro] |
Dueling | [gr,ro,la] |
Dungeon Delver | [cu,vi,qu] |
Durable | [ro,det,ca] |
Dust Devil | [gr,el,qu] |
Dwarven Fortitude | [ro,ca,det] |
Earth Genasi | [ro,ne,el] |
Earth Tremor | [el,ne,em] |
Earthbind | [det,el,ne] |
Earthquake | [ne,el,em] |
Echo Knight | [oc,dec,ch] |
Eladrin | [vi,na,fe] |
Eldritch Adept | [oc,div,ar] |
Eldritch Blast | [ac,oc,dis] |
Eldritch Knight | [ar,cu,ca] |
Eldritch Mind | [ca,det,cu] |
Eldritch Sight | [dis,oc,vi] |
Eldritch Smite | [ro,em,det] |
Eldritch Spear | [ac,vi,oc] |
Elemental Adept | [el,ac,det] |
Elemental Attunement | [el,gr,ca] |
Elemental Bane | [ch,el,cu] |
Elemental Weapon | [ne,el,ro] |
Elven Accuracy | [ca,ac,vi] |
Empowered Spell | [det,em,ne] |
Encode Thoughts | [ps,cu,dec] |
Enemies Abound | [ev,em,ps] |
Enervation | [ev,ro,oc] |
Enhance Ability | [go,gr,det] |
Enhanced Arcane Focus | [ac,cu,la] |
Enhanced Defense | [ro,cu,con] |
Enhanced Weapon | [la,con,ro] |
Enlarge/Reduce | [ch,ro,det] |
Ensnaring Strike | [na,ac,ne] |
Entangle | [na,ev,em] |
Entertainer | [pe,gr,em] |
Enthrall | [dec,pe,ps] |
Erupting Earth | [ne,el,em] |
Escape the Horde | [com,vi,det] |
Eternal Mountain Defense | [el,det,ne] |
Etherealness | [la,dis,div] |
Evard's Black Tentacles | [ev,oc,ps] |
Evasion | [vi,na,ac] |
Evasive Footwork | [qu,gr,vi] |
Expeditious Retreat | [ar,qu,la] |
Extended Spell | [det,ar,ne] |
Eyebite | [ev,dis,oc] |
Eyes of Charming | [pe,dec,cu] |
Eyes of the Eagle | [vi,qu,na] |
Eyes of the Rune Keeper | [cu,det,gr] |
Fabricate | [con,cu,em] |
Faceless | [dec,ca,dis] |
Faction Agent | [re,pe,cu] |
Fade Away | [qu,dis,dec] |
Faerie Fire | [fe,ch,em] |
Fairy | [fe,gr,na] |
Fallen Aasimar | [ev,div,oc] |
False Life | [ev,oc,ro] |
Fangs of the Fire Snake | [gr,el,ch] |
Far Scribe | [ne,pe,oc] |
Far Step | [ch,qu,ar] |
Far Traveler | [vi,det,qu] |
Fear | [det,ev,ps] |
Feather Fall | [ca,ar,la] |
Feeblemind | [em,dis,ps] |
Feign Death | [ne,dis,oc] |
Feinting Attack | [dec,gr,ro] |
Fey Teleportation | [ch,fe,dec] |
Fey Touched | [fe,na,dec] |
Fey Wanderer | [fe,ch,dec] |
Feylost | [fe,na,em] |
Fiendish Vigor | [ro,oc,det] |
Fighter | [qu,ro,det] |
Fighting Initiate | [ac,gr,ro] |
Find Familiar | [pe,ar,na] |
Find Greater Steed | [la,div,pe] |
Find Steed | [la,div,qu] |
Find the Path | [ne,vi,qu] |
Find Traps | [cu,vi,ne] |
Finger of Death | [ev,dis,oc] |
Firbolg | [ro,na,vi] |
Fire Genasi | [el,ch,cu] |
Fire Rune | [ch,el,ro] |
Fire Shield | [ch,el,ro] |
Fire Storm | [ch,el,em] |
Fireball | [ch,el,ar] |
Firebolt | [el,ac,ch] |
Fisher | [com,vi,det] |
Fist of Four Thunders | [qu,el,ch] |
Fist of Unbroken Air | [qu,el,gr] |
Fizban's Platinum Shield | [go,el,det] |
Flail | [gr,ro,ch] |
Flame Arrows | [ac,det,el] |
Flame Blade | [ch,el,ro] |
Flame Strike | [gr,el,div] |
Flames Of Phlegethos | [el,ch,oc] |
Flames of the Phoenix | [ch,el,en] |
Flaming Sphere | [ch,el,cu] |
Flesh to Stone | [ev,det,el] |
Flock of Familiars | [na,oc,pe] |
Fly | [el,gr,det] |
Fog Cloud | [el,dec,ca] |
Folk Hero | [com,ne,det] |
Forbiddance | [la,det,ar] |
Forcecage | [ev,la,ps] |
Foresight | [ps,vi,cu] |
Forest Gnome | [dec,cu,na] |
Forge Domain | [con,cu,ro] |
Fortune's Favor | [go,ar,gr] |
Freedom of Movement | [ne,qu,gr] |
Friends | [em,ne,pe] |
Frost Fingers | [ca,la,el] |
Frost Rune | [det,ca,el] |
Frostbite | [el,cu,ca] |
Galder's Speedy Courier | [ne,el,dis] |
Galder's Tower | [go,em,cu] |
Gaseous Form | [ch,gr,det] |
Gate | [la,cu,ar] |
Gauntlets of Ogre Power | [ro,con,em] |
Gaze of Two Minds | [cu,vi,ps] |
Geas | [la,pe,cu] |
Gem of Seeing | [vi,cu,en] |
Gentle Repose | [go,ca,oc] |
Ghostly Gaze | [vi,oc,dis] |
Ghostwise Halfling | [ps,vi,qu] |
Giant Insect | [ev,ne,na] |
Giant Killer | [ro,na,com] |
Gift of Alacrity | [qu,ar,vi] |
Gift of the Chromatic Dragon | [dr,el,ro] |
Gift of the Depths | [ca,el,dis] |
Gift of the Ever-Living Ones | [ro,pe,oc] |
Gift of the Gem Dragon | [dr,ps,cu] |
Gift of the Metallic Dragon | [dr,go,ca] |
Gift of the Protectors | [oc,go,det] |
Githyanki Gith | [ps,cu,ro] |
Githzerai Gith | [det,ps,en] |
Gladiator | [gr,ro,qu] |
Glaive | [qu,ro,em] |
Glibness | [pe,em,ps] |
Globe of Invulnerability | [la,det,ro] |
Gloom Stalker Conclave | [ev,dis,ac] |
Gloves of Missile Snaring | [gr,vi,qu] |
Gloves of Swimming and Climbing | [na,qu,ro] |
Gloves of Thievery | [dis,gr,dec] |
Glyph of Warding | [la,cu,ca] |
Goading Attack | [pe,ro,em] |
Goggles of Night | [dis,vi,oc] |
Goliath | [ne,ro,el] |
Gong of the Summit | [ch,qu,el] |
Goodberry | [go,na,em] |
Grappler | [ro,ro,ch] |
Grappling Strike | [ro,det,cu] |
Grasp of Hadar | [la,ac,det] |
Grasping Vine | [la,na,em] |
Grave Domain | [ne,oc,ac] |
Gravity Fissure | [la,ch,ar] |
Gravity Sinkhole | [la,ch,cu] |
Grease | [cu,em,ch] |
Great Weapon Fighting | [ro,ro,em] |
Great Weapon Master | [em,ro,ro] |
Greataxe | [ro,ro,em] |
Greatclub | [ro,em,ro] |
Greater Invisibility | [gr,dis,det] |
Greater Restoration | [ne,ca,na] |
Greatsword | [ro,gr,em] |
Green-Flame Blade | [ar,ch,gr] |
Grey Dwarf | [ro,ne,dis] |
Guardian | [la,ro,con] |
Guardian of Faith | [la,div,gr] |
Guardian of Nature | [ne,na,ro] |
Guards and Wards | [cu,la,dis] |
Guidance | [go,div,gr] |
Guiding Bolt | [ac,go,em] |
Guild Artisan | [con,gr,det] |
Guild Merchant | [cu,pe,dec] |
Gust | [el,det,qu] |
Gust of Wind | [qu,det,el] |
Hail of Thorns | [na,ev,ac] |
Halberd | [vi,ro,em] |
Half-Elf | [pe,em,ch] |
Half-Elf Variant | [fe,na,ar] |
Half-Orc | [ro,ev,ch] |
Hallow | [la,oc,div] |
Hallucinatory Terrain | [ne,dec,ps] |
Hand Crossbow | [gr,ac,ca] |
Handaxe | [qu,ac,ro] |
Harengon | [qu,vi,gr] |
Harm | [ev,ro,div] |
Haste | [ch,qu,cu] |
Hat of Disguise | [dis,dec,ch] |
Haunted One | [oc,ev,dis] |
Headband of Intellect | [cu,en,ps] |
Heal | [go,ca,na] |
Healer | [go,ca,div] |
Healing Spirt | [go,na,pe] |
Healing Word | [go,div,ca] |
Heat Metal | [la,con,el] |
Heavily Armored | [ro,det,la] |
Heavy Armor Master | [ro,go,det] |
Heavy Crossbow | [ca,dis,ac] |
Heightened Spell | [det,em,ar] |
Hellish Rebuke | [ch,el,oc] |
Helm of Awareness | [la,cu,vi] |
Helm of Telepathy | [ps,vi,pe] |
Hermit | [en,dis,ne] |
Heroism | [go,ro,det] |
Hero's Feast | [go,gr,em] |
Hex | [ev,det,oc] |
Hexblood | [em,cu,oc] |
High Elf | [re,qu,cu] |
Hill Dwarf | [vi,ro,la] |
Hill Rune | [ro,qu,det] |
Hold Monster | [pe,ca,det] |
Hold Person | [la,ca,det] |
Holy Aura | [la,em,div] |
Holy Weapon | [qu,ro,div] |
Homunculus Servant | [la,cu,pe] |
Horde Breaker | [det,com,vi] |
Horizon Walker Conclave | [ar,ro,det] |
Horn of Blasting | [ch,em,det] |
House Agent | [cu,ne,re] |
Human | [ne,la,ch] |
Human Variant | [go,ev,com] |
Hunger of Hadar | [ev,oc,ps] |
Hunter Conclave | [ac,ro,qu] |
Hunter's Mark | [vi,ac,ev] |
Hypnotic Pattern | [ne,dec,pe] |
Ice Knife | [ca,ac,el] |
Ice Storm | [ar,ca,el] |
Identify | [cu,vi,la] |
Illusory Dragon | [el,dec,det] |
Illusory Script | [dec,cu,dis] |
Immolation | [ev,el,det] |
Immovable Object | [la,ca,ar] |
Imprisonment | [la,dis,cu] |
Improved Pact Weapon | [ro,ac,det] |
Incendiary Cloud | [ev,el,det] |
Infernal Calling | [ch,oc,ev] |
Infernal Constitution | [ro,oc,det] |
Infestation | [ev,ne,dis] |
Infiltrator | [dis,qu,cu] |
Inflict Wounds | [ev,div,ro] |
Inheritor | [em,cu,ne] |
Inquisitive | [cu,vi,ca] |
Insect Plague | [ev,ne,na] |
Inspiring Leader | [pe,em,re] |
Intellect Fortress | [la,ps,cu] |
Interception | [det,go,ro] |
Investigator | [vi,cu,en] |
Investiture of Flame | [ch,el,em] |
Investiture of Ice | [la,ca,el] |
Investiture of Stone | [ne,el,ro] |
Investiture of Wind | [ch,el,qu] |
Investment of the Chain Master | [pe,det,oc] |
Invisibility | [ps,dis,det] |
Invulnerability | [la,ca,det] |
Javelin | [vi,ro,vi] |
Jump | [qu,gr,ne] |
Kalashtar | [oc,em,go] |
Keen Mind | [cu,vi,ps] |
Kenku | [dec,dis,gr] |
Knight | [ro,pe,re] |
Knight of the Order | [la,re,ro] |
Knock | [ch,em,ne] |
Knowledge Domain | [cu,en,ne] |
Lance | [re,ro,vi] |
Lance of Lethargy | [ev,ca,oc] |
Lantern of Revealing | [go,em,vi] |
Legend Lore | [la,cu,vi] |
Leomund's Secret Chest | [la,dis,cu] |
Leomund's Tiny Hut | [go,em,ar] |
Lesser Restoration | [go,ca,na] |
Levitate | [la,det,ps] |
Life Domain | [go,ca,na] |
Life Transference | [go,oc,ro] |
Lifedrinker | [ev,ro,det] |
Light | [em,div,go] |
Light Crossbow | [ac,ca,dis] |
Light Domain | [go,em,ca] |
Light Hammer | [qu,ro,ac] |
Lightfoot Halfling | [pe,gr,dis] |
Lightly Armored | [ar,ro,ar] |
Lightning Arrow | [vi,qu,ac] |
Lightning Bolt | [ar,el,qu] |
Lightning Lure | [ch,el,ro] |
Linguist | [cu,la,det] |
Locate Animals or Plants | [la,vi,na] |
Locate Creature | [vi,ev,cu] |
Locate Object | [la,vi,ar] |
Locathah | [det,ro,vi] |
Longbow | [ca,vi,ac] |
Longstrider | [qu,gr,ne] |
Longsword | [ro,qu,gr] |
Longtooth Shifter | [ev,qu,em] |
Lotusden Halfling | [vi,na,la] |
Lucky | [na,div,ar] |
Lunging Attack | [ro,vi,qu] |
Mace | [la,ch,ro] |
Maddening Darkness | [ev,dis,oc] |
Maddening Hex | [oc,ev,det] |
Maelstrom | [ch,ca,el] |
Mage Armor | [det,ar,la] |
Mage Hand | [ar,gr,cu] |
Mage Slayer | [ar,qu,ro] |
Magic Circle | [la,oc,cu] |
Magic Initiate | [vi,en,cu] |
Magic Jar | [ev,oc,cu] |
Magic Missile | [ar,gr,la] |
Magic Mouth | [ne,em,dec] |
Magic Stone | [ne,el,ac] |
Magic Weapon | [la,ro,gr] |
Magnify Gravity | [ro,ch,la] |
Major Image | [ne,dec,ps] |
Maneuvering Attack | [pe,cu,gr] |
Martial Adept | [gr,cu,ro] |
Mask of Many Faces | [dis,dec,oc] |
Mass Cure Wounds | [go,gr,ca] |
Mass Heal | [go,ca,div] |
Mass Healing Word | [go,ca,div] |
Mass Polymorph | [ch,em,det] |
Mass Suggestion | [ev,pe,em] |
Master of Myriad Forms | [dis,dec,pe] |
Mastermind | [cu,dec,pe] |
Maul | [em,ro,ro] |
Maximillian's Earthen Grip | [ev,det,el] |
Maze | [ev,cu,dec] |
Medallion of Thoughts | [ps,vi,cu] |
Medium Armor Master | [qu,gr,dis] |
Meld into Stone | [ne,dis,el] |
Melf's Acid Arrow | [ar,el,ac] |
Melf's Minute Meteors | [ch,em,ar] |
Menacing Attack | [em,ro,ro] |
Mending | [la,ca,cu] |
Mental Prison | [cu,ev,ps] |
Mercenary Veteran | [ro,ac,vi] |
Message | [ps,ne,pe] |
Metamagic Adept | [oc,ar,det] |
Meteor Swarm | [ch,em,ar] |
Mighty Fortress | [em,cu,la] |
Mind Blank | [la,ca,ps] |
Mind Sharpener | [det,cu,la] |
Mind Sliver | [ps,ch,dis] |
Mind Spike | [ev,cu,ps] |
Minions of Chaos | [el,det,ch] |
Minor Illusion | [dec,em,ps] |
Mirage Arcane | [ne,em,dec] |
Mire the Mind | [ca,oc,det] |
Mirror Image | [ch,dec,ps] |
Mislead | [ch,dec,ps] |
Mist Stance | [qu,el,ca] |
Misty Step | [oc,dec,qu] |
Misty Visions | [dec,ps,dis] |
Mobile | [qu,gr,ne] |
Moderately Armored | [ro,ar,ar] |
Modify Memory | [dec,det,em] |
Mold Earth | [ne,el,na] |
Monk | [ca,gr,en] |
Monster Slayer Conclave | [ac,ro,det] |
Moonbeam | [ne,na,oc] |
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound | [cu,la,pe] |
Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion | [cu,em,re] |
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum | [cu,la,dis] |
Mordenkainen's Sword | [ps,gr,ar] |
Morningstar | [ev,ro,ch] |
Mountain Dwarf | [ro,det,el] |
Mounted Combatant | [la,re,ro] |
Move Earth | [ne,el,na] |
Multiattack Defense | [com,na,ro] |
Nathiar's Mischief | [dec,el,na] |
Nature Domain | [na,ne,vi] |
Necklace of Adaptation | [det,ro,con] |
Negative Energy Flood | [ev,oc,gr] |
Net | [cu,ev,gr] |
Noble | [re,cu,pe] |
Nondetection | [ne,dis,ar] |
Nystul's Magic Aura | [cu,dis,dec] |
Oath of Conquest | [ev,pe,det] |
Oath of Devotion | [go,det,re] |
Oath of Glory | [det,ne,qu] |
Oath of Redemption | [go,ca,en] |
Oath of the Ancients | [na,go,ca] |
Oath of the Crown | [re,ne,pe] |
Oath of the Watchers | [vi,go,oc] |
Oath of Vengeance | [em,det,el] |
Oathbreaker | [ev,ch,em] |
Observant | [cu,vi,en] |
One with Shadows | [dis,fe,dec] |
Orcish Furry | [ro,em,qu] |
Order Domain | [re,pe,ro] |
Order of Scribes | [ps,con,gr] |
Otherworldly Leap | [gr,qu,ro] |
Otiluke's Freezing Sphere | [ar,ca,el] |
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere | [go,ar,ro] |
Otto's Irresistible Dance | [ch,em,gr] |
Outlander | [vi,ro,na] |
Pact of the Blade | [ro,det,gr] |
Pact of the Chain | [la,oc,pe] |
Pact of the Talisman | [go,dis,det] |
Pact of the Tome | [cu,ne,det] |
Paladin | [la,ro,div] |
Pallid Elf | [det,em,en] |
Parry | [ro,gr,qu] |
Pass without Trace | [ne,dis,dec] |
Passwall | [ch,cu,gr] |
Path of the Ancestral Guardian | [oc,det,go] |
Path of the Beast | [ne,ch,na] |
Path of the Berserker | [ch,ev,det] |
Path of the Storm Herald | [el,qu,ch] |
Path of the Totem Warrior | [na,qu,vi] |
Path of the Zealot | [la,div,det] |
Path of Wild Magic | [ch,ar,el] |
Peace Domain | [ca,go,pe] |
Periapt of Wound Closure | [go,ca,div] |
Phantasmal Force | [dec,em,ps] |
Phantasmal Killer | [ev,ps,em] |
Phantom | [oc,cu,ev] |
Phantom Steed | [la,ar,pe] |
Piercer | [ac,vi,ro] |
Pike | [vi,ro,em] |
Pipes of Haunting | [oc,ps,ev] |
Pipes of the Sewers | [na,gr,ev] |
Pirate | [qu,gr,dec] |
Planar Ally | [la,pe,div] |
Planar Binding | [la,oc,ar] |
Plane Shift | [la,ar,vi] |
Plant Growth | [em,na,el] |
Poison Spray | [ev,na,gr] |
Poisoner | [dec,cu,gr] |
Polearm Master | [ro,vi,vi] |
Polymorph | [ch,em,det] |
Power Word: Heal | [go,qu,ca] |
Power Word: Kill | [ev,qu,oc] |
Power Word: Pain | [ev,oc,qu] |
Power Word: Stun | [qu,em,la] |
Prayer of Healing | [go,ca,div] |
Precision Attack | [ro,vi,ac] |
Prestidigitation | [em,ar,ne] |
Primal Savagery | [ro,na,qu] |
Primordial Ward | [ne,na,ro] |
Prismatic Spray | [ch,dec,em] |
Prismatic Wall | [ch,em,ar] |
Prodigy | [cu,det,gr] |
Produce Flame | [el,ch,ac] |
Programmed Illusion | [cu,dec,ps] |
Project Image | [pe,ne,ps] |
Protection | [go,cu,ro] |
Protection from Energy | [la,ro,det] |
Protection from Evil and Good | [ne,ca,det] |
Protection from Poison | [la,ro,na] |
Protection of the Talisman | [go,det,gr] |
Protector Aasimar | [div,ca,go] |
Psi Warrior | [ps,ca,ne] |
Psychic Scream | [ch,em,ps] |
Pulse Wave | [ch,em,cu] |
Purify Food and Drink | [go,na,div] |
Pushing Attack | [cu,ro,em] |
Pyrotechnics | [ch,el,em] |
Quarterstaff | [gr,ro,ca] |
Quick Toss | [qu,vi,ac] |
Quickened Spell | [qu,det,em] |
Quiver of Ehlonna | [ac,qu,vi] |
Radiant Weapon | [con,la,em] |
Raise Dead | [go,ca,em] |
Rally | [pe,det,cu] |
Ranger | [vi,na,com] |
Rapier | [qu,gr,gr] |
Rary's Telepathic Bond | [gr,cu,ps] |
Raulothim's Psychic Lance | [ev,ps,em] |
Ravenite Dragonborn | [ro,det,dr] |
Ravenous Void | [ar,oc,ev] |
Ray of Enfeeblement | [ev,oc,ac] |
Ray of Frost | [ca,ac,el] |
Ray of Sickness | [ac,ev,ne] |
Reality Break | [ch,vi,ar] |
Reborn | [gr,en,div] |
Rebuke of the Talisman | [go,det,em] |
Regenerate | [go,ca,div] |
Reincarnate | [oc,ne,ca] |
Relentless Hex | [ev,det,oc] |
Remove Curse | [la,div,oc] |
Repeating Shot | [ac,con,vi] |
Repelling Blast | [em,la,oc] |
Replicate Magic Item | [cu,la,con] |
Repulsion Shield | [ro,con,la] |
Resilient | [ro,det,ca] |
Resistance | [go,det,ca] |
Resistant Armor | [el,la,cu] |
Resurrection | [la,em,oc] |
Returning Weapon | [gr,con,la] |
Revenant Blade | [gr,ro,gr] |
Reverse Gravity | [la,ch,det] |
Revivify | [go,na,ca] |
Ride the Wind | [gr,qu,el] |
Rime's Binding Ice | [qu,ca,el] |
Ring of Free Action | [qu,ne,gr] |
Ring of Jumping | [ro,con,ch] |
Ring of Mind Shielding | [det,ca,ps] |
Ring of Protection | [ro,det,con] |
Ring of the Ram | [ps,ac,cu] |
Ring of Water Walking | [ar,qu,gr] |
Riposte | [qu,ro,gr] |
Ritual Caster | [oc,vi,cu] |
River of Hungry Flame | [el,ch,gr] |
Rock Gnome | [con,cu,ro] |
Rogue | [gr,dis,qu] |
Rope of Climbing | [qu,ro,gr] |
Rope Trick | [la,dis,ar] |
Rune Knight | [ne,el,ch] |
Rush of the Gale Spirits | [en,qu,el] |
Sacred Flame | [go,div,det] |
Sage | [en,ar,det] |
Sailor | [qu,vi,det] |
Samurai | [ca,pe,la] |
Sanctuary | [ca,go,la] |
Sapping Sting | [ev,ar,oc] |
Satyr | [em,ch,pe] |
Savage Attacker | [em,qu,ro] |
Scatter | [ch,gr,ar] |
School of Abjuration | [go,ca,ro] |
School of Bladesinging | [ro,gr,qu] |
School of Chronurgy | [ch,vi,en] |
School of Conjuration | [el,oc,em] |
School of Divination | [en,ps,la] |
School of Enchantment | [la,pe,ps] |
School of Evocation | [el,ac,em] |
School of Graviturgy | [la,ca,ch] |
School of Illusion | [dec,dis,ps] |
School of Necromancy | [oc,la,ev] |
School of Transmutation | [na,el,ch] |
School of War Magic | [ro,ac,el] |
Scimitar | [gr,qu,ro] |
Scorching Ray | [ev,el,ac] |
Scourge Aasimar | [div,ro,em] |
Scout | [na,ac,vi] |
Scrying | [la,vi,det] |
Sculptor of Flesh | [ch,dis,det] |
Sea Elf | [ro,vi,ca] |
Searing Smite | [la,ro,gr] |
Second Chance | [en,gr,div] |
See Invisibility | [ne,vi,cu] |
Seeking Spell | [ac,det,ar] |
Seeming | [dis,dec,ar] |
Sending | [ne,pe,cu] |
Sending Stones | [la,qu,dis] |
Sentinel | [vi,ro,cu] |
Sequester | [go,dis,ar] |
Shadar-Kai | [oc,ro,dec] |
Shadow Blade | [ev,ro,oc] |
Shadow Magic | [oc,vi,dis] |
Shadow of Moil | [ev,dis,oc] |
Shadow Touched | [oc,dis,dec] |
Shape the Flowing River | [ca,el,gr] |
Shape Water | [ca,el,na] |
Shapechange | [ne,det,na] |
Sharpshooter | [ac,vi,ca] |
Shatter | [ch,em,ps] |
Shield | [go,ro,ar] |
Shield Master | [ro,go,det] |
Shield of Faith | [la,ro,div] |
Shillelagh | [na,ne,gr] |
Shocking Grasp | [el,ch,qu] |
Shortbow | [ac,vi,dis] |
Shortsword | [ro,qu,gr] |
Shroud of Shadow | [ps,dis,oc] |
Sickening Radiance | [ev,ne,oc] |
Sickle | [gr,ro,na] |
Sign of Ill Omen | [ev,det,em] |
Silence | [la,dis,ca] |
Silent Image | [dec,ps,em] |
Simulacrum | [ne,dec,ar] |
Skill Empowerment | [go,gr,det] |
Skill Expert | [det,gr,cu] |
Skilled | [det,gr,cu] |
Skulker | [dis,gr,dis] |
Skywrite | [ne,pe,qu] |
Slasher | [gr,qu,ro] |
Sleep | [oc,em,gr] |
Sleet Storm | [det,ca,el] |
Sling | [ac,qu,qu] |
Slippers of Spider Climbing | [gr,dis,ar] |
Slow | [ca,ar,pe] |
Smuggler | [dec,dis,qu] |
Snare | [cu,ev,na] |
Snilloc's Snowball Storm | [em,el,ca] |
Soldier | [det,ro,ca] |
Sorcerer | [em,ar,det] |
Soul Cage | [ev,oc,ca] |
Soulknife | [ps,ac,dec] |
Spare the Dying | [la,oc,det] |
Speak with Animals | [na,ne,pe] |
Speak with Dead | [ne,ca,oc] |
Speak with Plants | [em,na,vi] |
Spear | [vi,ro,vi] |
Spell Sniper | [ac,el,ar] |
Spell-Refueling Ring | [la,cu,det] |
Spider Climb | [ne,gr,dis] |
Spike Growth | [ev,na,det] |
Spirit Guardians | [ne,div,oc] |
Spirit Shroud | [ev,oc,ne] |
Spiritual Weapon | [la,div,gr] |
Spy | [ca,dec,cu] |
Squat Nimbleness | [qu,vi,ro] |
Staggering Smite | [la,ps,ro] |
Stand Against the Tide | [det,vi,com] |
Standard Dragonborn | [ro,dr,em] |
Steel Will | [vi,na,det] |
Steel Wind Strike | [ar,qu,ro] |
Stinking Cloud | [ev,det,em] |
Stone Rune | [ne,el,ro] |
Stone Shape | [ne,el,gr] |
Stoneskin | [ne,el,ro] |
Storm of Vengeance | [ne,ch,el] |
Storm Rune | [ro,qu,det] |
Storm Sorcery | [ch,el] |
Storm Sphere | [ch,el,qu] |
Stout Halfling | [ne,ro,qu] |
Subtle Spell | [dis,dec,ar] |
Suggestion | [ev,pe,ps] |
Summon Aberration | [ev,oc,ps] |
Summon Beast | [la,det,na] |
Summon Celestial | [la,det,div] |
Summon Construct | [la,cu,con] |
Summon Draconic Spirit | [dr,ne,ar] |
Summon Elemental | [na,el,det] |
Summon Fey | [ch,na,dec] |
Summon Fiend | [ev,ch,oc] |
Summon Greater Demon | [ev,oc,cu] |
Summon Lesser Demons | [ev,oc,ch] |
Summon Shadowspawn | [ar,dis,oc] |
Summon Undead | [ev,oc,ar] |
Sunbeam | [go,em,div] |
Sunburst | [go,em,div] |
Superior Technique | [cu,gr,qu] |
Svirfneblin | [dis,qu,ne] |
Svirfneblin Magic | [dis,dec,cu] |
Swarmkeeper | [ne,gr,fe] |
Swashbuckler | [pe,la,ro] |
Sweeping Attack | [em,ro,gr] |
Sweeping Cinder Strike | [gr,el,ch] |
Swift Quiver | [ac,qu,vi] |
Swiftstride Shifter | [em,qu,ch] |
Sword Burst | [ch,ar,gr] |
Symbol | [la,cu,na] |
Synaptic Static | [ev,em,ps] |
Tabaxi | [gr,pe,qu] |
Tactical Assessment | [cu,en,vi] |
Tasha's Caustic Brew | [el,ev,det] |
Tasha's Hideous Laughter | [em,ch,ps] |
Tasha's Mind Whip | [ev,cu,ps] |
Tasha's Otherworldly Guise | [ro,gr,ar] |
Tavern Brawler | [com,ro,ch] |
Telekinesis | [gr,det,ps] |
Telekinetic | [ps,det,cu] |
Telepathic | [ps,vi,en] |
Telepathy | [cu,vi,ps] |
Teleport | [cu,qu,ar] |
Teleportation Circle | [oc,qu,ar] |
Tempest Domain | [ch,el,qu] |
Temple of the Gods | [em,det,div] |
Temporal Shunt | [ch,vi,cu] |
Tenser's Transformation | [ar,ro,gr] |
Tensor's Floating Disk | [ro,ar,la] |
Tether Essence | [ev,det,oc] |
Thaumaturgy | [la,em,div] |
The Archfey | [fe,dec,pe] |
The Celestial | [div,go,la] |
The Fathomless | [el,ps,ca] |
The Fiend | [ev,el,ch] |
The Genie | [el,re,ch] |
The Great Old One | [ps,cu,la] |
The Hexblade | [ro,gr,qu] |
The Undead | [ev,cu,en] |
The Undying | [ne,ca,ro] |
Thief | [dec,cu,ca] |
Thief of Five Fates | [ch,det,em] |
Thirsting Blade | [gr,det,ro] |
Thorn Whip | [na,ac,ev] |
Thrown Weapon Fighting | [ac,qu,vi] |
Thunder Step | [ch,el,qu] |
Thunderclap | [ch,el,em] |
Thunderous Smite | [el,em,ro] |
Thunderwave | [em,el,qu] |
Tidal Wave | [em,ca,el] |
Time Ravage | [ch,vi,cu] |
Time Stop | [la,ca,ar] |
Tiny Servant | [la,cu,pe] |
Toll of the Dead | [oc,ev,la] |
Tomb of Levistus | [ca,ro,oc] |
Tongues | [go,cu,em] |
Tortle | [ca,ro,na] |
Totem Spirit: Bear | [ro,na,det] |
Totem Spirit: Eagle | [vi,qu,dec] |
Totem Spirit: Elk | [qu,na,det] |
Totem Spirit: Tiger | [ro,qu,gr] |
Totem Spirit: Wolf | [com,vi,ro] |
Totemic Attunement: Bear | [go,ro,na] |
Totemic Attunement: Eagle | [qu,vi,gr] |
Totemic Attunement: Elk | [qu,na,gr] |
Totemic Attunement: Tiger | [qu,ro,em] |
Totemic Attunement: Wolf | [em,ro,vi] |
Tough | [ro,ca,det] |
Transmute Rock | [ne,el,ch] |
Transmuted Spell | [ch,ar,em] |
Transport Via Plants | [qu,na,em] |
Tree Stride | [ch,qu,na] |
Trickery Domain | [dec,ch,pe] |
Trickster's Escape | [dec,dis,ch] |
Trident | [ca,el,vi] |
Trip Attack | [qu,ro,ro] |
Triton | [el,ca,la] |
True Polymorph | [ch,em,det] |
True Resurrection | [ne,ca,oc] |
True Seeing | [la,vi,cu] |
True Strike | [cu,vi,ac] |
Tsunami | [ev,el,ca] |
Twilight Domain | [go,vi,ca] |
Twinned Spell | [em,la,ar] |
Two-Weapon Fighting | [gr,qu,ro] |
Unarmed Fighting | [ca,ch,ro] |
Uncanny Dodge | [com,na,ro] |
Undying Servitude | [det,oc,ev] |
Unseen Servant | [dis,la,oc] |
Urban Bounty Hunter | [dis,ro,vi] |
Urchin | [com,dis,vi] |
Vampiric Touch | [ev,ne,ro] |
Vicious Mockery | [em,pe,ch] |
Visions of Distant Realms | [det,dis,cu] |
Vitriolic Sphere | [ne,el,ev] |
Voice of the Chain Master | [oc,vi,pe] |
Volley | [ac,vi,det] |
Wall of Fire | [ch,el,cu] |
Wall of Force | [la,ps,det] |
Wall of Ice | [la,el,ca] |
Wall of Light | [go,em,det] |
Wall of Sand | [ne,el,gr] |
Wall of Stone | [ne,ro,el] |
Wall of Thorns | [ev,na,em] |
Wall of Water | [la,ca,el] |
Wand of Magic Detection | [ne,vi,ar] |
Wand of Secrets | [dis,vi,qu] |
War Caster | [el,ca,det] |
War Domain | [em,ro,ev] |
War Pick | [ro,em,la] |
Warding Bond | [go,ro,det] |
Warding Wind | [go,el,qu] |
Warforged | [con,ro,la] |
Warhammer | [la,ro,em] |
Warlock | [det,dis,oc] |
Water Breathing | [ne,el,ca] |
Water Genasi | [ca,el,en] |
Water Walk | [ca,ne,gr] |
Water Whip | [gr,ca,el] |
Watery Sphere | [el,ca,gr] |
Wave of Rolling Earth | [el,em,ne] |
Way of Mercy | [oc,go,dis] |
Way of Shadow | [dis,dec,la] |
Way of the Ascendant Dragon | [dr,re,ro] |
Way of the Astral Self | [ar,ro,vi] |
Way of the Drunken Master | [ch,ro,com] |
Way of the Four Elements | [el,qu,ch] |
Way of the Kensei | [qu,ro,ne] |
Way of the Long Death | [oc,ev,det] |
Way of the Open Hand | [qu,ro,det] |
Way of the Sun Soul | [ac,em,go] |
Weapon Master | [gr,ne,ac] |
Web | [ev,cu,em] |
Weird | [ev,dec,ps] |
Whip | [gr,qu,re] |
Whirlwind | [ch,qu,el] |
Whirlwind Attack | [com,na,vi] |
Whispers of the Grave | [oc,ne,ca] |
Wild Magic | [ch,ps,el] |
Wind Walk | [gr,qu,el] |
Wind Wall | [qu,el,na] |
Windwall | [ne,qu,el] |
Winged Boots | [gr,qu,el] |
Wish | [det,em,ar] |
Witch Bolt | [det,ac,oc] |
Witch Sight | [en,det,vi] |
Wizard | [ar,cu,det] |
Wood Elf | [fe,na,ac] |
Wood Elf Magic | [en,na,ne] |
Word of Radiance | [em,go,div] |
Word of Recall | [go,ca,la] |
Wrath of Nature | [det,em,na] |
Wrathful Smite | [ev,em,ro] |
Wristpocket | [ne,dis,ar] |
Zephyr Strike | [qu,gr,ch] |
Zone of Truth | [la,vi,pe] |
| |